We are so happy to see that you are working with one of your new families to create a healthy feeding plan that includes pasteurized donor human milk. We as providers have all had the experience of having a conversation with a new family about the necessity of an alternative form of nutrition. We have seen the devastation in some new parents at the mention of the word formula if they are hoping to exclusively breastfeed. We are happy to be able to work with you, their healthcare provider, to offer our local families another option in supplementation.
Our pasteurized donor human milk is provided by milk banks that are regulated and certified by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). HMBANA certifies milk banks according to strict, evidence-based guidelines.
With a prescription from you, a family can receive donor milk. Milk can be picked up at the VDMC in Essex Junction. We are open by appointment and are happy to set up something that works for each family.
We offer financial assistance so this milk can be accessible to all families who need it. To learn more about this call 802-276-0030.
If you would like to read a bit more research on donor milk, please click here.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to pairing with you to give our littlest patients the best possible start in life!