The Vermont Donor Milk Center, Inc. opened its doors in 2020 as a nonprofit organization providing pasteurized donor human milk to babies in need across Vermont and northern New York. Newborns and infants receive life-saving nutrition and food security for a healthy start in life from our milk dispensing site and donation drop-off location.
We’re honored to partner with milk banks that are certified by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). We buy milk from HMBANA certified milk banks and send our donated milk to them for processing.

The Vermont Donor Milk Center, Inc. opened it’s doors in 2020 as a nonprofit organization providing pasteurized donor human milk to babies in need across Vermont and northern New York. Newborns and infants receive life-saving nutrition and food security for a healthy start in life from our milk dispensing site and donation drop-off location.

There are many reasons babies need supplementation during their breastfeeding journey including weight loss, problems latching, and underlying medical conditions.
Across the State of Vermont, 40% of our newborns are having to use supplementation after leaving the hospital. Many families want an alternative to supplementing with formula because breast milk makes such a huge difference for babies’ short and long-term health, decreasing the risks of acute and chronic illnesses throughout their life.
The Vermont Donor Milk Center, Inc. is the first outpatient initiative in Vermont to bridge the gap in infant nutrition from the hospital to the home and is the first resource for families to obtain pasteurized donor human milk locally.